Categorized research-works of Debaprasad-19
Bandyopadhyay *
দেবপ্রসাদ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় ^
As there are several references to the Indian
philosophical technicalities in
(s)talker’s enunciation, he was eager to look at the archaeology of the discursive
space called “Indian Philosophy”.
There are many problems, when we are talking about something
called Indian Philosophy (IP). We forget, at the moment of speaking about it
(a) “India” is a
socio-political construct that was born out of (mainly) 19 C. Industrial as
well as print capitalist imagination of nation state.
(b) and that
imagination was also appropriated by the different modes of colonialism.
(C) “Philosophy”
is equated with the “darsana” as a part of political translation. Apart
from their obvious similarities, there are also differences as Bankimchandra
pointed out that “Philosophy” is sadhya (is to be mediated) and darsana
is sadhaniya (ought to be mediated. Chattopadhyay, B. ,1879/1974:217-18)
(d) What are
categorized under the umbrella of homogenized “lP” is a purely “good orient”-al
project that excludes “other” non-Sanskritized way of thought and methods of
proving truth. This had a precedence in Sayana Madhava’s
“savrvadarsansamgraha (14th. C A.D.), which was taken, at the
moment of constructing “IP” as an appropriate paradigm for setting up order of
(e) This order
of things are approximated and appropriated by the western knowledge-base. Thus
what is called as “IP” is also a derivative discourse.
(f) “vijnana”
in the Indian tradition means “consciousness” (as translated by Dasgupta,
1936:86). Nothing was classified separately as “science’ in the
so-called Indian tradition, though some elements of so-called “Indian culture”
obviously may be categorized as “science” from the European point of view.
(g) What, as a
whole, may be called and perceived as “lP of Science” today is merely a result
of retrospective perceptual effect ( pratyavbhijna) , i.e. appropriating
past knowledge by deploying today’s knowledge-base and techniques, which may be
called “epistemological recurrence” following Bachelard.
(h) Due to this
recurrence and appropriation by the western epistemology, the de-sign of modem
“lP” has emerged as a result of “epistemological amalgamation”.
All these problems must
be seriously explained and elaborated before going to venture into the realm of
“IP of Science” as all these statements should be “proved” (i.e. need pramana)
according to the need of “global”(?) Philosophy of science.
For detailed discussion, kindly follow hyperlinks (blue-colored
2000. “The Making of the Indian Philosophy of Science”. From the Margins.
February ‘00 (pp.57-73) Kolkata.
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2000. “ভারতীয় বিজ্ঞানের দর্শন -এর নির্মান.” (Translated
from English: “The Making of the Indian Philosophy of Science”
Tr. Suman Roy) Nabanna. XI:2-3 (pp. 40-51)
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2014. “The Movement Within: A Secret Guide To Esoteric Kayaasadhanaa:
Caryaapada”. Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3
No.1. (pp. 113-27) ISSN# 2277-9426
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2014. O King, Stop Killing Deer Of Our
Hermitage: Environmental Consciousness In Indian Science And Technology National Seminar on Science and Technology in
Ancient India. Lalbaba College, Belur. University Grants Commission; Dept of
Sanskrit, Lalbaba
College, Belur; Ramkrishna Mission Vidyamandir . Nov 18, 2014. Download (.pptx)
2013. “Language: From I- Dentity to My-Dentity”. S. Imtiaz Hasnain, Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta and Shailendra Mohan Alternative
Voices: (Re)searching Language, Culture, Identity eds.. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholar publishing. (pp. 158-73)
ISBN-10: 144384716X | ISBN-13: 978-1443847162
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2013. “ভারতীয় সংস্কৃতি ও অনেকান্ত বেদান্ত: ভাষ্য”(A Commentary on Indian Culture and Anekanta Vedanta). Basu, Pathik
ed. Shrayan Yearbook 2013. (pp.
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2012. “চর্যা-চর্চায় নীরবতার ভাষাতত্ত্ব সন্ধান”[In Search of
Linguistics of Silence : Caryapada]. Pranab K.
Chakroborty ed. Interaction VIII.
(pp.23-31) Nabadwip, West Bengal. India.
ISSN 2277-4335
Download (.pdf) English version: “The Movement Within: A Secret Guide To Esoteric Kayaasadhanaa:
2012. "ECP Is Dead, Long Live ECP!" M. S. Thirumalai ed. Language in India. 12:4. (pp. 79-86). ISSN 1930-2940.
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2011. “সম্প্রদান- ব্যাকরণ--রাজনীতি-- অর্থনীতি (Political
Economy of Sampradana Karaka)”. Pranab K. Chakroborty ed. Interaction
VII. (pp. 4-13). Nabadwip, West Bengal. India. ISSN 2277-4335
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2009. “জিজ্ঞাসাপাঠ”. ( Philosophy of Science[s] for teens)
KoiSor : Understanding Ephebe. Ed. Basu, Pathik. Kolkata: Shrayan. (pp. 155-82)
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2009.”কামনা, শৃঙ্গার, নচিকেত অভিযাত্রা –কৈশোরেই Adolescence
and Sexuality”. (Adolescence and
Sexuality)”. Koisor:Understanding Ephebe.
Ed. Basu, Pathik. Kolkata: Shrayan. (pp. 102-37)
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2009. “নীরবতার না- ভাষাতত্ত্ব: লালনে (Non-Linguistics
of Silenceme: Lalon)”Shaktinath Jha ed. Ocin pakhi. Lalon saMrokgrontho. Vol.XX.
Nadia, West Bengal Lalon Mela Samiti. (pp. 16-24). Revised version: 2012. ei
nisOrgo pOtro. I:1 (pp. 9-16)
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2008. “ধর্ম ও জনসংস্কৃতি প্রসঙ্গে” [On Religion and Popular Culture]. Avishek Ray ed.Dhormo o
jonosonSkriti prosonge.(pp. 111-128) Kolkata: Barta Prakasani.
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2008. “বিশ্ব সাথে 'যোগ' -বিহার ”. [Travelling With The Universe] Bektitto, Somiti, Santobiplab.
[Personality, Horizontal Praxis and peaceful Revolution] Ed. Basu, Pathik.
Kolkata: Shrayan. (pp.188-223)
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2007. “Wor(l)d Spaces:
The Definition of ‘Word’.” Encyclopedia of Science of Language. Milan, Italy: Polimetrica Onlus. (p. 127)
2007. “জেগে বা ঘুমিয়ে--'ভারতীয়' দর্শনে” (Hanging between Sleeping and Waking -- ‘Indian' Philosophy). Tepantar .Vol. V (pp.141-66) Kolkata:
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2007. “স্বপ্নলীলা : কেন আমি জন্ম নেব?”. [Dream-play: Why Should I Be Born?] Ed. Basu, Pathik manus Hoye
oTha (understanding Children’s World). Kolkata: Shrayan.(pp. 224-37)
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2007. “Scraps Notes on Modernity, Post- modernity and Indian Experience.” Proceedings of the UGC Sponsored Seminar on Post-modernity: A
critique of Modernity—An Indian Experience. Naba
Ballyganj College. (pp.8-12)
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2006. “স্বত্ব নিয়ে সমস্যার নিবেদন”. (Problems of Possession).Baromas,
Vol XXVIII, October ’06. (pp. 217- 22) Reprinted in Interaction. Nov. ’09. (5-11)
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English version: “Language: From I- Dentity to My-Dentity”
2006. “চার্বাক বেদান্ত পেরিয়ে???”Tepantar.Vol IV, July ’06. (pp. 279-303) Kolkata: Sanhati.
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2006. “সার্ত-এর চুপসাধনা” [Silenceme in
Sartre].” Ed. Atanushasan Mukhopadhyay Dashadishi.
Kolkata. II:2. (pp.52-3) Decl. No. 52/04.
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2005.“আমার বলে রইল না আর কিছু?” Sen, Ashok ed. Baromas.
Vol. 28 (pp.90-5) RN 34830/78.
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2005."হায় পথবাসী, হায় গৃহহারা”Basu, Pathik ed.Swashroybhabana.
Kolkata: Shrayansthal. (pp.239-64)
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2005. “'যেদিন নিঃশব্দ শব্দেরে খাবে' :নৈঃশব্দের ভাষাতত্ত্ব ” ['When Silence
Would Swallow Non-Silence': Linguistics of Silence]. Ebang Mushayera.
XI:4(226-47).R.N. 53193/94
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2004. “নাস্তিক্য, মৌলবাদ আর অনেকান্ত (Atheism,
Fundamentalism and Anekantavada).” Jijnasa. XXIII:3-4 (pp.419-426).
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2002. “Soul’d in and out: Representation of Body, No-Body in the Hindu
Philosophy.” From the Margins. (pp. 182-202). Kolkata.
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2000. “কানা রঘুনাথ: এক মূর্ত নঞ্ (Raghunatha: A
Name of Negatives)”. Alochona Chakra. mOnonSOdeS-I..
(pp.71-85). Kolkata. Reprinted in the Souvenir of 2nd Navadvip Book –Fair 2002.
(pp.33-38) Inauguration Lecture : 2008. “On Bhakti and Nyaya in Navadvipa”.
Navadvipa Puratattva Parisat. Nadia: W. Bengal. 20/12/08.
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2000. নন্দিনী মাহাতো. "দর্শন-অদর্শন-এ বিশ শতক ". Sur, Chranjib ed. Alochona Chakra, Collection-14. Jan’00
(pp.92-102) RNI: 69543/87.
2000. “বিশ শতকে সমাজবিজ্ঞান :একটি খসড়া প্রতিবেদন মাত্র .” [Social Science in The 20th C: A Draft
Report]Sur, Chiranjib ed. Alochona Chakra, Collection-14. Jan. (pp.47-62)
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2000. “মেলাবেন তিনি মেলাবেন: কোয়ান্টাম ও সমাজবিজ্ঞান?” [Quantum Mechanics And Social Science] Alochana Chakra
Collection-14 . Jan. (pp. 175-190).
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