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Saturday, 9 July 2016

Non-Linguistics of Silenceme: Lalon

Non-Linguistics of Silenceme: Lalon

Translated from Bangla Article:
The author, as a member of linguist community, of this paper had tried decipher one song of Fakir Lalon Shah (1774–1890 A.D.), one of the line of which is like this “ When silence would swallow non-silence” by deploying various methods of Mandyukoponisad, Bhatrihari’s three stages of languages (baikhari, madhyma, pasyanti) and Abhinavagupta’s paravak. Different body-parts, according to Tantrika world-views, were also illustrated to understand silenceme. The author also incorporated Kabir (1440–1518 A.D.) and Dadu’s (1544–1603 A.D.) epistemological concepts of silenceme, which were beyond the periphery of ‘modern’ linguistics, though physicists are now interested to know the brain-function of such meditative states by using SPECT and PET scan as a part of their anatomo-bio-political agenda. The author ultimately proposed a new disciplinary technology, called “Silence Studies”. In this case, John Cage’s musical compositions deeply influenced the author.
For Bangla Version, see:
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