Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay *
^ দেবপ্রসাদ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়
How do we distinguish between
error and non-error, when we are talking about normal and natural language?
Well-formed syntagms are used as examples in the syntactic analysis. That is
sanity. Let us suffer severe insanity to understand at least at the dream stage
of madhyama. It is a pity that I cannot distinguish between sleeping and
waking, sanity and insanity, normal and abnormal language…
This project
problematizes the linguists’ dividing practice between “normal” well-formed
sentences (Chomskian position) and ‘abnormal’ speaking/writing following
Foucauldian path and taking cue from Indian philosophical concept of “khyati”.
The problem-question is: ‘How do we know the differences between ‘norm’-al way
of speaking and ‘ab’-normal way of speaking?’ Cartesian biolinguistics analyzed
the algorithm of ‘normal’ ‘well-formed’ sentences only. This very construction
of ‘natural language’ (e.g., the well-constructed written sentences)
mercilessly marginalizes the language of so-called non-‘natural’ madness or folly.
This question might be elaborated further by taking cue from Indian Philosophy
: how do we distinguish between error (khyati) and
non-error (akhyati), when we are talking about normal and natural
language? “Well-formed” syntagms are used as examples in the Chomskian
syntactic analysis, where there is no scope for discursive paradigmatic
recurrences. This theoretical question will be elaborated by the discourse
analysis of an autobiographical account of Niranjan Bhowmik, a so-called
marginalized man, who was ruthlessly categorized as ‘insane’
For detailed discussion, kindly follow
hyperlinks (blue-colored titles)
2012. “(Ab-)Norm And
The Concept Of Error In Mad (Wo)Men’s Languages”
International Conference on Psychology. Christ University, Bangalore
Event Date: Dec 10, 2012 Organization: National Academy Of
Psychology. Download (.pptx)
2011“An Interview with Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay
on The Psychology of Silence: The Story of Bharat.”Diaforia,
No. 5, July 2011. Italy.
Download (.pdf)
2011. The Psychology of Silence: The Story
of Bharat. Diaforia, No. 5, July 2011. Italy.
Download (.pdf)
বা ঘুমিয়ে--'ভারতীয়' দর্শনে” (Hanging between Sleeping and Waking -- ‘Indian'
Philosophy). Tepantar .Vol. V
(pp.141-66) Kolkata: Sanhati.
Download (.pdf)
2010. “'অন্য' ভাষায়, অনেকান্ত (প্রতি-)বাদে.” [Different
Languages, Other protests] Satya o pratirodh. Kolkata:
Srayan. (pp.66-86)
Download (.pdf)
2005“মহা/ পাতি ভরত আখ্যান The
Meta/Petite Narrative of Bharat.” (Bangla, English & Italian versions with
an interview).” Prasanta Chattopadhyay ed. Kalodhvani. 13:1,
Download (.pdf)
2005সমালোচনা: জীবন দর্পনে দেখা সমাজ [Review of the Book 'Society Seen
Through the Mirror of Life']. Amitranjan Basu, Sakar, Avik, ed., Anandabajar Patrika. 19
Feb 2005.
Download (.pdf)
পরিচালনা: সুস্মিতা সিংহ.
ক্যামেরা: সব্যসাচী বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়.
সম্পাদনা: সুজাতাকুন্ডু.
ব্যবস্থাপনা: অমিতাভ সেনগুপ্ত.
প্রযোজনা: রূপকলাকেন্দ্র,
পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার
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