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Saturday 29 October 2011

“Why English?” Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay

“Why English?”

1 comment:

  1. ariel riveros - hello an interesting article - i do not know any Indian languages except for the Sanskrit inherent in Indo-European. I speak English and Spanish.

    I must say I was averse to the English as a beautiful prostitute analogy - a cross cultural disconnect. It is my opinion as an immigrant of Australia and visitor to India that commonly held opinions on western women's body and dress, as pre-codified invitation to male libidinal ranging - has to be shaken up. I think of directly - media representation of cricket crowds - to create a common place of cross-cultural nexii between cultures. Personally, I have no colonist to work against any more, just everyday enemies, and not many at that.

    I encourage full and powerful communication, and especially from the writer of this article - I expect immaculate communication of concepts - I don't mind spelling or grammar ultimately - the how of learning English - I enjoyed that point very much.

    For example - the contemporary indigenous literature of Australia does not bother with formal English conventions.

    Another issue I bring here is profiling and the old chestnut of orientalism a la Edward Said. As for the equality of languages? Chomskyian deep linguistics suggest to me personally a transversal geo-cosmic semiotic - on ontopoietic river of play - geography of colour, dream of a thousand plateaux.

    I was brought as an immigrant to Australia and am embedded in the totality and dynamism of it's own orientalism as represented and inhabited. The subcontinental immigrant in Australia is indeed victimized. One thing noted by myself is the seige-mentality of immigrants - yes it takes some time - but I am a neo lamarckian - change can be quick.

    Yes - but go to ALL lengths to de-orientalise your culture from the English hangover - I will 100% support that and the aversion to nuclear clubs.
    8:16 PM


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